The imperial modernization took place according to the classical European scenario. In terms of goals, means and results Soviet modernization was its continuation. However, while In some respects (the formation of a rational, educated, secularly oriented personality, industrialization, urbanization, the democratization of the family, the emancipation of women and children), Soviet modernization bore resemblance with the classical Western model, it was different as far as other aspects were concerned (the priority of the state over the society, the primacy of the collective over the individual, restriction of individual freedom, centralization, planning). In short, the formula of Soviet modernization amounted to technological and material progress on the basis of traditional social institutions. Soviet modernization provided less rapid development and came at a higher price compared to the Imperial one.

Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)91-103
Number of pages13
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2018

    Scopus subject areas

  • Sociology and Political Science

    Research areas

  • Convergence of Russia and the West, Imperial and Soviet modernization, Models and strategy of conducting, Similarities and differences, The Russian track

ID: 39253211