
The possible sources of V. Khodasevich’s poem „Grain’s Way“ are established and the hypothesis of D. Bethea on the connection between V. Khodasevich’s poem „Grain’s Way“ and the translation of S. Tschernichowski’s poem „Song to Astarte and Bel“, which Khodasevich performed for the anthology of Jewish poetry, is tested. As a result of the study, it was found that when writing poems on the themes of the ancient Near East, Tschernichowski used the publication of Sumerian lamentations for Dumuzi, the motives of which were transferred to the cults of Astarte and Bel. In turn, Khodasevich borrowed from Tschernichowski the idea of the spring resurrection of nature as „law of life and establishment“, but he designated it in translation as „wisdom and law“, and in his original poem he completely reduced it to „wisdom“. Thus, it becomes clear that Tschernichowski’s poems served as a catalyst for the creation of the poem „Grain’s Way“.
Translated title of the contributionV. F. KHODASEVICH’S "GRAIN’S WAY“ AND LAMENTATIONS FOR DUMUZI
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)388-414
Issue number4
StatePublished - 12 Oct 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 71310883