• Бэла Васильевна Лебедева
The basis for the field of research was the constant practice of regulating audiovisual media by national states in the global space, as well as the transformation of the functions of regulators and audiovisual media systems over the past seven years due to the active internalization and / or nationalization of communication space. The object of the study was the methods of regulation of audiovisual media for various socio­economic state systems, which in turn form the principles of state participation in the regulatory process. The subject of the study was the basic and modern principles of regulation of audiovisual media systems. The study was based on the methods of data science, comparison, comparative and constructive analysis, content analysis. Its relevance and uniqueness is explained by the poor coverage of the topic in the scientific literature. In addition, in the framework of this work, the hypothesis about the intersection of different vectors of development of the socio­political functions of the state as a regulator and the market as a self­regulatory system is confirmed. The structure of the work reflects the traditions of different systems and the study of development stages, as well as the specifics of the formation for the modern architecture of audiovisual media in various political systems of the world, based on the economic and legal experience of media regulation.
Translated title of the contributionPrinciples of regulation for audiovisual content: world trends
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationЖурналістыка - 2019: стан, праблемы і перспектывы
Subtitle of host publication матэрыялы 21­й Міжнар. навук.­практ. канф., Мінск, 14–15 ліст. 2019 г.
Place of PublicationМинск
PublisherБелорусский государственный университет
ISBN (Print)978-985-566-882-5
StatePublished - 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences(all)

ID: 49900018