<p num="38">FIELD: medicine.</p> <p num="39">SUBSTANCE: invention refers to neurosurgery, and can be used to perform endoscopic transforaminal access to spinal canal structures, as well as in surgical treatment of compression radiculopathy caused by intervertebral lumbar stenosis of the lumbar spine. Method of percutaneous lumbar foraminytomy involves resection of the ventrolateral edge of an upper articular process with a manual crown-shaped cutter under fluoroscopic control. Distal end of the dilator is placed on the ventrolateral edge of an upper articular process of the vertebra, through which a working tube with an internal diameter of 6.5 mm is installed, having an oblique rounded distal aperture with an elongated lip. Distal aperture of the working tube is tightly pressed to the ventrolateral vertex of the superior articular process. After extracting the dilator, a manual crown-type cutter with an outer diameter of 6.0 mm is inserted inside the working tube.</p> <p num="40">EFFECT: method provides
Original languageRussian
Patent numberRU 2688733
StatePublished - 10 Dec 2018

ID: 78491747