1. 2023
  2. 2022
  3. First insights into the gut microbiomes and the diet of the Littorina snail ecotypes, a recently emerged marine evolutionary model

    Panova, M. A. Z., Varfolomeeva, M. A., Gafarova, E. R., Maltseva, A. L., Mikhailova, N. A. & Granovitch, A. I., 13 Jul 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Evolutionary Applications. 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors on fecundity, developmental abnormalities, and population recruitment in the intertidal gastropod Littorina saxatilis

    Maltseva, A. L., Varfolomeeva, M. A., Kursheva, A. V., Morgunova, I. P., Ayanka, R. V., Gafarova, E. R., Pavlova, P. A., Repkin, E. A., Lobov, A. A., Golikova, E. A., Mikhailova, N. A., Renaud, P. E. & Granovitch, A. I., 1 Jul 2022, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 271, 107853.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Data on RNA-seq analysis of the oviducts of five closely related species genus Littorina (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda): L. saxatilis, L. arcana, L. compressa, L. obtusata, L. fabalis

    Lobov, A. A., Danilov, L. G., Masharskiy, A. E., Predeus, A. V., Mikhailova, N. A., Granovitch, A. I. & Maltseva, A. L., 1 Jun 2022, In: Data in Brief. 42, 108122.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Orphan gene in Littorina: An unexpected role of symbionts in the host evolution

    Maltseva, A. L., Lobov, A. A., Pavlova, P. A., Panova, M., Gafarova, E. R., Marques, J. P., Danilov, L. G. & Granovitch, A. I., 25 May 2022, In: Gene. 824, 11 p., 146389.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Aromatic hydrocarbons and toxic equivalency factor in sediments of the Norwegian and Russian coasts

    Kursheva, A., Morgunova, I., Litvinenko, I., Maltseva, A., Golikova, E. & Renaud, P., May 2022.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  8. Living near humans: impacts on the Litterina snail reproduction and development in the Barents region

    Maltseva, A., Varfolomeeva, M., Gafarova, E., Repkin, E., Kursheva, A., Morgunova, I., Renaud, P. & Granovitch, A., May 2022, Arctic Frontiers 2022 : Pathways: Book of abstracts. p. 86-87

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractsResearch

  9. Антимикробные компоненты тканей Littorina littorea

    Гафарова, Е. Р. & Мальцева, А. Л., Apr 2022, Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2022». М: МАКС Пресс

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractsResearch

  10. Антимикробная активность в тканях Littorina littorea

    Гафарова, Е. Р., Мальцева, А. Л. & Гранович, А. И., Feb 2022, Беломорская студенческая научная сессия СПбГУ — 2022: тезисы докладов. СПб: Свое издательство, p. 57

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractsResearch

  11. Анализ антимикробных компонентов тканей моллюсков рода Littorina

    Гафарова, Е. Р. & Мальцева, А. Л., 2022, Геномика, метагеномика и молекулярная биология микроорганизмов: сборник тезисов конференции. p. 12

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractsResearch

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