1. 2017
  2. Formation and thermal behavior of Aurivillius phases Am–1Bi2Fem–3Ti3O3m+3–δ (A = Bi, Sr)

    Ломанова, Н. А., Панчук, В. В., Уголков, В. Л. & Семенов, В. Г., 1 Mar 2017, In: Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 87, 3, p. 365-372 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Three-point multivariate calibration models by correlation constrained MCR-ALS: A feasibility study for quantitative analysis of complex mixtures

    Debus, B., Kirsanov, D. O., Panchuk, V. V., Semenov, V. G. & Legin, A., 15 Jan 2017, In: Talanta. 163, p. 39-47 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. 2016
  5. Two-Level Micro-to-Nanoscale Hierarchical TiO2 Nanolayers on Titanium Surface

    Земцова, Е. Г., Арбенин, А. Ю., Валиев, Р. З., Орехов, Е., Семенов, В. Г. & Смирнов, В. М., 13 Dec 2016, In: Materials. 9, 12, 13 p., 1010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Formation of variable-composition iron(III) hydrosilicates with the сhrysotile structure

    Красилин, А., Панчук, В. В., Семенов, В. Г. & Гусаров, В., Dec 2016, In: Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 86, p. 356-359 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Numerical simulation of high-gradient magnetic filtration

    Gusev, B. A., Semenov, V. G. & Panchuk, V. V., Sep 2016, In: Technical Physics. 61, 9, p. 1292-1298 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The role of pre-nucleus states in formation of nanocrystalline yttrium orthoferrite

    Попков, В., Альмяшева, О., Панчук, В. В., Семенов, В. Г. & Гусаров, В., Feb 2016, In: Doklady Chemistry. 471, p. 356-359 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Effect of the sequence of chemical transformations on the spatial segregation of components and formation of periclase-spinel nanopowders in the MgO–Fe2O3–H2O System

    Панчук, В. В., Семенов, В. Г., Комлев, А., Оксана, А. & Гусаров, В., 2016, In: Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 89, p. 1932-1938 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Influence of iron ions on morphology and magnetic and electrical properties of vanadium dioxide

    Петухова, Ю. В., Волков, Л. Д., Бобрышева, Н. П., Семенов, В. Г., Осмоловский, М. Г. & Осмоловская, О. М., 2016, In: Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 86, 12, p. 2730-2731

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Mössbauer study of the iron atom state in modified chromium dioxide

    Bondarevskii, S. I., Eremin, V. V., Panchuk, V. V., Semenov, V. G. & Osmolovsky, M. G., 2016, In: Physics of the Solid State. 58, 1, p. 76-80 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Семенов, В. Г., Панчук, В. В., Мурин, И. В., КОРОЛЕВ, Д. В., АФОНИН, М. В., ТОРОПОВА, Я. Г., Печникова, Н. А. & ГАЛАГУДЗА, М. М., 2016, МЁССБАУЭРОВСКАЯ СПЕКТРОСКОПИЯ И ЕЕ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Сборник материалов XIV Международной конференции. Казань: Казанский Федеральный университет, p. 132

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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