1. 2018
  2. Site- and spin-dependent coupling at the highly ordered h-BN/Co(0001) interface

    Усачев, Д. Ю., Тарасов, А. В., Бокай, К. А., Шевелев, В. О., Вилков, О. Ю., Петухов, А. Е., Рыбкин, А. Г., Ogorodnikov, I. I., Kuznetsov, M. V., Muntwiler, M., Matsui, F., Yashina, L. V., Laubschat, C. & Vyalikh, D. V., 26 Nov 2018, In: Physical Review B. 98, 19, 10 p., 195438.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Effect of in-plane size of MoS2 nanoparticles grown over multilayer graphene on the electrochemical performance of anodes in Li-ion batteries

    Bulusheva, L. G., Koroteev, V. O., Stolyarova, S. G., Chuvilin, A. L., Plyusnin, P. E., Shubin, Y. V., Vilkov, O. Y., Chen, X., Song, H. & Okotrub, A. V., Sep 2018, In: Electrochimica Acta. 283, p. 45-53 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Cobalt-assisted recrystallization and alignment of pure and doped graphene

    Usachov, D. Y., Bokai, K. A., Marchenko, D. E., Fedorov, A. V., Shevelev, V. O., Vilkov, O. Y., Kataev, E. Y., Yashina, L. V., Ruehl, E., Laubschat, C. & Vyalikh, D. V., 7 Jul 2018, In: Nanoscale. 10, 25, p. 12123-12132 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Evidence of large spin-orbit coupling effects in quasi-free-standing graphene on Pb/Ir(1 1 1)

    Otrokov, M. M., Klimovskikh, I. I., Calleja, F., Shikin, A. M., Vilkov, O., Rybkin, A. G., Estyunin, D., Muff, S., Dil, J. H., Vázquez De Parga, A. L., Miranda, R., Ochoa, H., Guinea, F., Cerdá, J. I., Chulkov, E. V. & Arnau, A., Jul 2018, In: 2D Materials. 5, 3, 10 p., 035029.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Magneto-Spin-Orbit Graphene: Interplay between Exchange and Spin-Orbit Couplings

    Rybkin, A. G., Rybkina, A. A., Otrokov, M. M., Vilkov, O. Y., Klimovskikh, I. I., Petukhov, A. E., Filianina, M. V., Voroshnin, V. Y., Rusinov, I. P., Ernst, A., Arnau, A., Chulkov, E. V. & Shikin, A. M., 14 Mar 2018, In: Nano Letters. 18, 3, p. 1564-1574 11 p.

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  7. Electron-phonon coupling in graphene placed between magnetic Li and Si layers on cobalt

    Usachov, D. Y., Fedorov, A. V., Vilkov, O. Y., Ogorodnikov, I. I., Kuznetsov, M. V., Grueneis, A., Laubschat, C. & Vyalikh, D. V., 21 Feb 2018, In: Physical Review B. 97, 8, 8 p., 085132.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Graphene on silicon carbide as a basis for gas- and biosensor applications

    Lebedev, S. P., Davydov, V. Y., Usachov, D. Y., Smirnov, A. N., Levitskii, V. S., Eliseyev, I. A., Guschina, E. V., Dunaevsckiy, M. S., Vilkov, O. Y., Rybkin, A. G., Lebedev, A. A., Novikov, S. N. & Makarov, Y. N., Feb 2018, In: Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. 9, 1, p. 95-97 3 p.

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  9. Effect of Hydrogen Fluoride Addition and Synthesis Temperature on the Structure of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Fluorinated by Molecular Fluorine

    Fedoseeva, Y. V., Dubois, M., Flahaut, E., Vilkov, O. Y., Chuvilin, A., Asanov, I. P., Okotrub, A. V. & Bulusheva, L. G., 1 Jan 2018, In: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. 255, 1, 1700261.

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  10. Non-thermal and low-destructive X-ray induced graphene oxide reduction

    Mikoushkin, V. M., Kriukov, A. S., Nikonov, S. Y., Dideikin, A. T., Vul, A. Y. & Vilkov, O. Y., 2018, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 124, 17, 10 p., 175303.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. 2017
  12. Adsorption of silicon atoms on the surface of the Au/W(110)

    Pudikov, D. A., Zhizhin, E. V., Vishniakova, A. A., Vilkov, O. Y. & Vladimirov, G. G., 1 Dec 2017, In: Physics of the Solid State. 59, 12, p. 2476-2480 5 p.

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