1. Main stage of plutonic metamorphic activity in the Ladoga region: Results of isotopic age determinations

    Glebovitsky, V. A., Baltybaev, S. K., Levchenkov, O. A., Berezhnaya, N. G. & Levskii, L. K., Mar 2001, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 377 A, p. 302-306 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Mantle sources of rocks in the Vodlozero Domain of the Fennoscandian Shield

    Lobach-Zhuchenko, S. B., Glebovitskii, V. A. & Arestova, N. A., 2009, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 429, 1, p. 1284-1287

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  3. Metasomatic processes in the Lukkulaisvaara layered intrusion, Russia, and formation of low-sulfide PGE mineralization

    Semenov, S. V., Glebovitsky, V. A., Kol'tsov, A. B., Semenov, V. S., Korneev, S. I. & Savatenkov, V. M., 2008, In: Geology of Ore Deposits. 50, 4, p. 249-274

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  4. Meyeri thrust as a main structure of the suture between karelian craton and svecofennian belt in the ladoga region, baltic shield

    Baltybaev, S. K., Glebovitskii, V. A., Kozyreva, I. V. & Shul'Diner, V. I., 1996, In: Doklady Akademii Nauk. 348, 3, p. 353-356 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Nature of the chemical heterogeneity of the continental lithospheric mantle

    Glebovitsky, V. A., Nikitina, L. P., Vrevskii, A. B., Pushkarev, Y. D., Babushkina, M. S. & Goncharov, A. G., 2009, In: Geochemistry International. 47, p. 857-881

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Nd isotope variation across the archaean-proterozoic boundary in the North Ladoga Area, Russian Karelia

    Konopelko, D., Savatenkov, V., Glebovitsky, V., Kotov, A., Sergeev, S., Matukov, D., Kovach, V. & Zagornaya, N., 1 Jan 2005, In: GFF. 127, 2, p. 115-122 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. New data on origin and age (U-Pb, SHRIMP-II) of zircons from khondalites of the Lapland granulite belt (Baltic Shield)

    Myskova, T. A., Glebovitskii, V. A., Mil’kevich, R. I., Berezhnaya, N. G., Skublov, S. G., Presnyakov, S. L., Shuleshko, I. K. & L’vov, P. A., 2008, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 423, 1, p. 1294-1298

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  8. New data on the age of ultrametamorphic granitoids of the Aldan granulite area (Eastern Siberia), consequences of metamorphic processes and possibilities of regional correlations of geological events

    Glebovitskii, V. A., Sedova, I. S., Berezhnaya, N. G., Larionov, A. N. & Samorukova, L. M., 2012, In: Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 20, 2., p. 139-165

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  9. New data on the age (SHRIMP II) of protolith and paleoproterozoic transformations of the Archean Keivy terrain (Kola Peninsula)

    Bushmin, S. A., Glebovitskii, V. A., Presnyakov, S. L., Savva, E. V. & Shcheglova, T. P., 2011, In: ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК. 438, 1, p. 661-665

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. New data on the U-Pb (SHRIMP II) age of zircons from aluminous gneisses of the Archean Kola Group of the Baltic shield and the problem of their interpretation

    Myskova, T. A., Mil’kevich, R. I., Glebovitskii, V. A., L’vov, P. A. & Berezhnaya, N. G., 2015, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 1, p. 738-745

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

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