1. 2011
  2. Substorm growth and expansion onset as observed with ideal ground-spacecraft THEMIS coverage

    Sergeev, V., Angelopoulos, V., Kubyshkina, M., Donovan, E., Zhou, X-Z., Runov, A., Singer, H., McFadden, J. & Nakamura, R., 2011, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 116, p. A00I26_1-15

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  3. Time-dependent magnetospheric configuration and breakup mapping during a substorm

    Kubyshkina, M., Sergeev, V., Tsyganenko, N., Angelopoulos, V., Runov, A., Donovan, E., Singer, H., Auster, U. & Baumjohann, W., 2011, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 116, p. A00I27_1-13

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  4. 2010
  5. Erratum: Time-varying magnetotail magnetic flux calculation: A test of the method (Annales Geophysicae (2009) 27 (1583-1591))

    Shukhtina, M. A., Gordeev, E. I. & Sergeev, V. A., 1 Dec 2010, In: Annales Geophysicae. 28, 2, 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  6. Accelerated ions ahead of earthward propagating dipolarization fronts

    Zhou, X-Z., Angelopoulos, V., Sergeev, V. A. & Runov, A., 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, 9, p. A00I03_1-8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  7. Auroral signatures of the plasma injection and dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere

    Sergeev, V. A., Kornilova, T. A., Kornilov, I. A., Angelopoulos, V., Kubyshkina, M. V., Fillingim, M., Nakamura, R., McFadden, J. P. & Larson, D., 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, 2, p. A02202_1-15

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  8. Comparison of magnetotail magnetic flux estimates based on global auroral images and simultaneous solar wind-magnetotail measurements

    Shukhtina, M. A., Sergeev, V. A., DeJong, A. D. & Hubert, B., 2010, In: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 72, 17, 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  9. Estimation of magnetosphere-ionosphere mapping accuracy using isotropy boundary and THEMIS observations

    Shevchenko, I. G., Sergeev, V., Kubyshkina, M., Angelopoulos, V., Glassmeier, K. H. & Singer, H. J., 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, 11, p. A11206_1-7

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  10. Plasma sheet thickness during a bursty bulk flow reversal

    Panov, E. V., Nakamura, R., Baumjohann, W., Sergeev, V. A., Petrukovich, A. A., Angelopoulos V., U., Volwerk, M., Retino, A., Takada, T., Glassmeier, K-H., McFadden, J. P. & Larson, D., 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, 5, p. A05213_1-13

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  11. Pressure and entropy changes in the flow-braking region during magnetic field dipolarization

    Dubyagin, S., Sergeev, V., Apatenkov, S., Angelopoulos, V., Nakamura, R., McFadden, J., Larson, D. & Bonnell, J., 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research. 115, 10, p. A10225_1-10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  12. 2009
  13. Radial propagation velocity of energetic particle injections according to measurements onboard the Cluster satellites

    Apatenkov, S. V., Sugak, T. M., Sergeev, V. A., Shukhtina, M. A., Nakamura, R., Baumjohann, W. & Daly, P., 1 Feb 2009, In: Cosmic Research. 47, 1, p. 22-28 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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