1. Article › Research
  2. Acute normovolemic hemodilution in cardiac surgery: rationale and design of a multicenter randomized trial

    Monaco, F., Guarracino, F., Vendramin, I., Lei, C., Zhang, H., Lomivorotov, V., Osinsky, R., Efremov, S., Gürcü, M. E., Mazzeffi, M., Pasyuga, V., Kotani, Y., Biondi-Zoccai, G., D'Ascenzo, F., Romagnoli, E., Nigro Neto, C., Do Nascimento, V. T. N. D. S., Ti, L. K., Lorsomradee, S., Farag, A. & 32 others, Bukamal, N., Brizzi, G., Lobreglio, R., Belletti, A., Arangino, C., Paternoster, G., Bonizzoni, M. A., Tucciariello, M. T., Kroeller, D., Di Prima, A. L., Mantovani, L. F., Ajello, V., Gerli, C., Porta, S., Ferrod, F., Giardina, G., Santonocito, C., Ranucci, M., Lembo, R., Pisano, A., Morselli, F., Nakhnoukh, C., Oriani, A., Pieri, M., Scandroglio, A. M., Kırali, K., Likhvantsev, V., Longhini, F., Yavorovskiy, A., Bellomo, R., Landoni, G. & Zangrillo, A., 2024, In: Contemporary Clinical Trials. 143

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  3. Calcium administration In patients undergoing CardiAc suRgery under cardiopulmonary bypasS (ICARUS trial): Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial

    Lomivorotov, V., Ponomarev, D., Boboshko, V., Shmyrev, V., Ismoilov, S., Efremov, S., Kamenshchikov, N., Akselrod, B., Pasyuga, V., Urusov, D., Ovezov, A., Evdokimov, M., Turchaninov, A., Bogachev-Prokofiev, A., Bukamal, N., Afifi, S., Belletti, A., Bellomo, R. & Landoni, G., 1 Sep 2021, In: Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 23, p. 100835 5 p., 100835.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Carbon dioxide embolism during posterior retroperitoneal adrenalectomy

    Alexeev, M., Fedorov, E., Kuleshov, O., Rebrova, D. & Efremov, S., 17 May 2022, In: Anesthesia Reports. 10, 1, e12164.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. [Cardioprotective effects of glutamine in patients with ischemic heart disease operated under conditions of extracorporeal blood circulation].

    Lomivorotov, V. V., Efremov, S. M., Shmyrev, V. A., Ponomarev, D. N., Sviatchenko, A. V. & Kniaz'kova, L. G., 1 Mar 2012, In: Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia. 2, p. 14-18 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Combined Cytotoxic Effect of Inhibitors of Proteostasis on Human Colon Cancer Cells

    Никотина, А. Д., Владимирова, С. А., Кокорева, Н. Е., Комарова, Е. Ю., Аксенов, Н., Ефремов, С. М., Леонова, Е. А., Павлов, Р. В., Карцев, В., Zhang, Z., Маргулис, Б. А. & Гужова, И. В., Aug 2022, In: Pharmaceuticals. 15, 8, 923.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Current Practice of Calcium Use During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Weaning: Results of an International Survey

    Lomivorotov, V. V., Guvakov, D., Belletti, A., Boboshko, V., Shmyrev, V., Kunst, G., Stoppe, C., Akselrod, B., Kamenshchikov, N., Efremov, S., Chernyavskiy, A. & Landoni, G., Aug 2020, In: Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 34, 8, p. 2111-2115 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Current practices in nutrition therapy in cardiac surgery patients: An international multicenter observational study

    Stoppe, C., Dresen, E., Wendt, S., Elke, G., Patel, J. J., McKeever, L., Chourdakis, M., McDonald, B., Meybohm, P., Lindner, M., Arora, R. C., O'Brien, B., von Dossow, V., Efremov, S., Lomivorotov, V., Compher, C., Yaung, J., Imai, T., Nurok, M., Ho, A. & 4 others, von Loeffelholz, C., Hing, F. P., Jiang, X. & Heyland, D. K., Jul 2023, In: Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 47, 5, p. 604-613 10 p.

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  9. Development and Validation of a New Cardio-Specific Resting Energy Expenditure Equation for Adults

    Efremov, S. M., Talaban, V. O., Ponomarev, D. N., Vedernikov, P. E., Chechenin, M. G., Artemieva, V. V. & Lomivorotov, V. V., 1 May 2018, In: Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 42, 4, p. 702-708 7 p.

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  10. Does Glutamine Promote Benefits for Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Scheduled for Cardiac Surgery?

    Lomivorotov, V. V., Efremov, S. M., Shmirev, V. A., Ponomarev, D. N., Svyatchenko, A. V., Deryagin, M. N., Lomivorotov, V. N. & Karaskov, A. M., 1 May 2013, In: Heart Lung and Circulation. 22, 5, p. 360-365 6 p.

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  11. Effect of a Perioperative Hypotension-Avoidance Strategy Versus a Hypertension-Avoidance Strategy on the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury: A Clinical Research Protocol for a Substudy of the POISE-3 Randomized Clinical Trial

    POISE-3 Trial Investigators and Study Groups, Jan 2022, In: Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 9, 9 p., 20543581211069225.

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