1. 2004
  2. Geophysical validation of sciamachy NO2 vertical columns: Overview of early 2004 results

    Lambert, J. C., Blumenstock, T., Boersma, F., Bracher, A., De Mazière, M., Demoulin, P., De Smedt, I., Eskes, H., Gil, M., Goutai, F., Granville, J., Hendrick, F., Ionov, D. V., Johnston, P. V., Kostadinov, I., Kreher, K., Kyrö, E., Martin, R., Meier, A., Navarro-Comas, M. & 10 others, Petritoli, A., Pommereau, J. P., Richter, A., Roscoe, H. K., Sioris, C., Sussmann, R., Van Roozendael, M., Wagner, T., Wood, S. & Yela, M., 1 Dec 2004, In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 562, p. 49-61 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  3. Validation of envisat SCIAMACHY level 2 products with the data of russian ground-based measurements

    Timofeyev, Y., Ionov, D., Makarova, M., Poberovsky, A., Shalamyan, Elokhov, A., Gruzdev, A., Elansky, N., Dzhola, A., Grechkov, E., Sinyakov, V., Semenov, V., Kashin, F. & Aref'ev, V., 1 Dec 2004, In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 562, p. 303-305 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  4. Trace gas and aerosol sounding of the atmosphere in Sun occultation experiment with SAGE III device

    Polyakov, A. V., Timofeyev, Y. M., Kostsov, V. S., Ionov, D. V., Steele, H. M. & Newchurch, M. J., 3 May 2004, In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 5235, p. 397-407 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  5. 2003
  6. Comparison of satellite- and ground-based measurements of total ozone content

    Ionov, D. V., Timofeyev, Y. M. & Shalamyanskiy, A. M., 1 Jan 2003, In: Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing. 40, 1, p. 1-16 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Global fields of the total ozone and nitrogen dioxide contents retrieved from satellite measurements and a three-dimensional simulation

    Ionov, D. V., Egorova, T. A., Zubov, V. A. & Rozanov, E. V., 2003, In: Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics. 39, 5, p. 558-567 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. 2002
  9. Comparisons of satellite (apparatus GOME, TOMS) and ground-based total ozone measurements

    Ionov, D. V., Timofeev, Y. M. & Shalamyanskij, A. M., 1 Jan 2002, In: Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa. 3, p. 10-20 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Глобальный мониторинг атмосферных содержаний озона и NO2 по данным спутникового эксперимента GOME: анализ точности.

    Ионов, Д. В., Тимофеев, Ю. М., Шаламянский, А. М., Ламберт, Ж. -К., Еланский, Н. Ф., Елохов, А. С., Груздев, А. М. & Постыляков, О. В., 2002, In: ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ МЫСЛЬ РОССИИ. 2, p. 158-165

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  11. Сравнения спутниковых (аппаратура GOME, TOMS) и наземных измерений общего содержания озона.

    Ионов, Д. В., Тимофеев, Ю. М. & Шаламянский, А. М., 2002, In: ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ЗЕМЛИ ИЗ КОСМОСА. 3, p. 10-19

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  12. 2000
  13. Comparison between Satellite and Ground-Based NO2 total content measurements

    Timofeev, Y. M., Ionov, D. V., Polyakov, A. V., Elanskii, N. F., Elokhov, A. S., Gruzdev, A. N., Postylyakov, O. V. & Rozanov, E. V., 1 Dec 2000, In: Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics. 36, 6, p. 737-742 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Toms-based assessments of total ozone content over central and northern Europe

    Smirnova, O. A., Ionov, D. V., Timofeyev, Y. M. & Vasil'yev, A. V., 1 Dec 2000, In: Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing. 37, 3, p. 166-171 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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