1. 2007
  2. Multiwaveband Polarimetric Observations of 15 Active Galactic Nuclei at High Frequencies: Correlated Polarization Behavior

    Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Stevens, J. A., Smith, P. S., Forster, J. R., Gear, W. K., Cawthorne, T. V., Lister, M. L., Stirling, A. M., Gómez, J. L., Greaves, J. S. & Robson, E. I., 2007, In: Astronomical Journal. 134, 2, p. 799-824

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  3. Use of multiwaveband polarization and light curves to identify sites of gamma-ray emission in blazar jets

    Marscher, A. P. & Jorstad, S. G., 2007, First GLAST Symposium. p. 377-378 2 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 921).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  4. Астрономия: традиции, настоящее, будущее

    Иванов, В. В., Чернин, А. Д., Сильченко, О. К., Решетников, В. П., Маршер, А. П., Эрштадт, С. Г., Расторгуев, А. С., Заболотских, М. В., Орлов, В. В., Сотникова, Н. Я., Черепащук, А. М., Холшевников, К. В., Шевченко, И. И., Витязев, В. В., Клионер, С. А., Теребиж, В. Ю. & Парийский, Ю. Н., 2007, Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета.

    Research output: Book/Report/AnthologyTeaching materialsEducationpeer-review

  5. 2006
  6. Frequency-dependent time-delays for strong outbursts in selected blazars from the Metsähovi and the university of Michigan radio astronomy observatory monitoring databases -I

    Pyatunina, T. B., Kudryavtseva, N. A., Gabuzda, D. C., Jorstad, S. G., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D. & Teräsranta, H., Dec 2006, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 373, 4, p. 1470-1482 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Structure and flux variability in the VLBI jet of BL Lacertae during the WEBT campaigns (1995-2004)

    Bach, U., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Agudo, I., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Denn, G., Gómez, J. L., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Mutel, R. L. & Teräsranta, H., Sep 2006, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 456, 1, p. 105-115 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Detailed structure of the X-ray jet in 4C 19.44 (PKS1354+195)

    Schwartz, D. A., Harris, D. E., Landt, H., Siemiginowska, A., Perlman, E. S., Cheung, C. C., Gelbord, J. M., Worrall, D. M., Birkinshaw, M., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P. & Stawarz, L., Aug 2006, In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2, S238, p. 443-444 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  9. The milliarcsecond-scale jet of PKS 0735+178 during quiescence

    Agudo, I., Gómez, J. L., Gabuzda, D. C., Marscher, A. P., Jorstad, S. G. & Alberdi, A., Jul 2006, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 453, 2, p. 477-486 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3 the WEBT campaign of 2004-2005

    Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Balonek, T. J., Aller, M. F., Jorstad, S. G., Kurtanidze, O. M., Nicastro, F., Nilsson, K., Aller, H. D., Arai, A., Arkharov, A., Bach, U., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C. S., Böttcher, M., Carosati, D., Casas, R., Caulet, A., Chiang, P. S. & 66 others, Chou, Y., Ciprini, S., Coloma, J. M., Di Rico, G., Díaz, C., Efimova, N. V., Forsyth, C., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Gadway, B., Gupta, S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Harvey, J., Heidt, J., Hernandez-Toledo, H., Hroch, F., Hu, C. P., Hudec, R., Ibrahimov, M. A., Imada, A., Kamata, M., Kato, T., Katsuura, M., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Kotaka, D., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Y. A., Krichbaum, T. P., Kubota, K., Kurosaki, M., Lanteri, L., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, L., Laurikainen, E., Leto, P., Lähteenmäki, A., López-Cruz, O., Marilli, E., Marscher, A. P., McHardy, M., Mondal, S., Mullan, B., Napoleone, N., Nikolashvili, M. G., Ohlert, J. M., Postnikov, S., Pursimo, T., Ragni, M., Ros, J. A., Sadakane, K., Sadun, A. C., Savolainen, T., Sergeeva, E. A., Sigua, L. A., Sillanpää, A., Sixtova, L., Sumitomo, N., Takalo, L. O., Teräsranta, H., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Volvach, A., Voss, B. & Wortel, S., Jul 2006, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 453, 3, p. 817-822 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. The blazar 0059+581: Successful prognosis of activity

    Pyatunina, T. B., Gabuzda, D. C., Jorstad, S. G., Kudryavtseva, N. A., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D. & Teräsranta, H., Jun 2006, In: Astronomy Reports. 50, 6, p. 468-482 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Multifrequency polarization properties of blazars

    Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Stevens, J., Smith, P., Forster, J., Lister, M., Stirling, A., Gómez, J., Cawthorne, T., Gear, W. & Robson, I., 2006, In: Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 6, SUPPL. 1, p. 247-252 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

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