1. 2016
  2. Superfluid Phase Transition with Activated Velocity Fluctuations: Renormalization Group Approach

    Dan co, M., Hnati c, M., Komarova, M. V., Lu civjansk, Y. T. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2016, In: Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 93, 012109.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2014
  4. Bose-Einstein condensation beyond perturbation theory: Goldstone singularities and instanton solution

    Honkonen, J., Komarova, M. V. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2014, In: European Physical Journal B. 87, 3, p. 75_1-8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  5. 2013
  6. Influence of hydrodynamic fluctuations on the phase transition in the E and F models of critical dynamics

    Danko, M., Hnatich, M., Komarova, M. V., Krasnov, D. M., Lu ivjansk, T., Mižišin, L. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2013, In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 176, 1, p. 888-897

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  7. Microscopic justification of the stochastic f-model of critical dynamics

    Gnatich, M., Komarova, M. V. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2013, In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 175, 3, p. 779-787

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  8. Temperature Green’s functions in Fermi systems: The superconducting phase transition

    Komarova, M. V., Nalimov, M. Y. & Honkonen, J., 2013, In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 176, 1, p. 906-912

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  9. Влияние гидродинамических флуктуаций на фазовый переход в E- и F-моделях критичеcкой динамики

    Данчо, М., Гнатич, М., Комарова, М. В., Краснов, Д. М., Лучивянски, Т., Мижишин, Л. & Налимов, М. Ю., 2013, In: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА. 176, 1, p. 69-78

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Микроскопическое обоснование стохастической F-модели критической динамики

    Гнатич, М., Комарова, М. В. & Налимов, М. Ю., 2013, In: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА. 175, 3, p. 398-407

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Температурные функции Грина в ферми-системах: сверхпроводящий фазовый переход

    Комарова, М. В., Налимов, М. Ю. & Хонконен, Ю., 2013, In: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ФИЗИКА. 176, 1, p. 89-97

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. 2011
  13. Bose condensation: The viscosity critical dimension and developed turbulence

    Komarova, M. V., Krasnov, D. M. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2011, In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 169, 1, p. 1441-1449

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  14. Convergence of perturbation series for renormalization constants in Kraichnan model with "frozen" velocity field

    Komarova, M. V., Kremnev, I. S. & Nalimov, M. Y., 2011, In: European Physical Journal C. 71, 5, p. 1646-1655

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

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