1. 2016
  2. Строение пигидиального отдела тела у полихет

    Старунов, В. В., 2016, «Современные проблемы эволюционной морфологии животных» Материалы III Всероссийской конференции с международным участием к 110-летию со дня рождения академика А.В. Иванова.. p. 114-115

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

  3. 2015
  4. Comparative morphology of the nervous system in three phylactolaemate bryozoans

    Shunkina, K. V., Zaytseva, O. V., Starunov, V. V. & Ostrovsky, A. N., 12 Oct 2015, In: Frontiers in Zoology. 12, 1, 28.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. A metameric origin for the annelid pygidium?

    Starunov, V. V., Dray, N., Belikova, E. V., Kerner, P., Vervoort, M. & Balavoine, G., 2015, In: BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15, 25, p. 1-17

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  6. Innervation of annelid pygidium and its evolutionary significance

    Starunov, V. V. & Lavrova, O. B., 2015, p. 64.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  7. Экспрессия генов миниколлагенов у сцифомедузы Aurelia aurita

    Старунов, В. В. & Халтурин, К. В., 2015, p. 158.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  8. 2014
  9. Sensory elements and innervation in the freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo lophophore

    Shunkina, K. V., Zaytseva, O. V., Starunov, V. V. & Ostrovsky, A. N., Mar 2014, In: Doklady Biological Sciences. 455, 1, p. 125-128 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Expression pattern of arenicins - the antimicrobial peptides of polychaete Arenicola marina

    Maltseva, A. L., Kotenko, O. N., Kokryakov, V. N., Starunov, V. V. & Krasnodembskaya, A. D., 2014, In: Frontiers in Physiology. 5, p. 497 (1-11)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  11. Large world of a small dorsal cirruses in polychaetes

    Pluscheva, M., Starunov, V. & Shunkina, K., 2014, p. 245.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  12. New data on the nervous system of freshwater bryozoans

    Shunkina, K. V., Starunov, V. V., Zaitseva, O. V. & Ostrovsky, A. N., 2014, (Unpublished).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

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