1. 2017
  2. Monoblepharidomycetes diversity includes new parasitic and saprotrophic species with highly intronized rDNA

    Karpov, S. A., Mamanazarova, K. S., Popova, O. V., Aleoshin, V. V., James, T. Y., Mamkaeva, M. A., Tcvetkova, V. S., Vishnyakov, A. E. & Longcore, J. E., Aug 2017, In: Fungal Biology. 121, 8, p. 729-741 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2016
  4. Morphological and genetic diversity of opisthosporidia: new aphelid Paraphelidium tribonemae gen. et sp. nov.

    Карпов, С. А., Цветкова, В. С., Мамкаева, М. А., Torruella, G., Timpano, H., Moreira, D. & López-García, P., 2016, p. 32.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  5. 2015
  6. The parasite of algae Amoeboradix spp. represents a highly divergent eukaryotic lineage potentially related to fungi

    Karpov, S. A., Moreira, D., Mamkaeva, M. A., Tcvetkova, V. S., Vishnyakov, A. E. & López-Garc a, P., 2015, Europ. Congr. Of Protist VII, Seville, Spain, September 5 th -10th. p. 318

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearch

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