1. 2022
  2. Room-temperature-deformation-induced chemical short-range ordering in a supersaturated ultrafine-grained Al-Zn alloy

    Song, Z. Z., Niu, R. M., Cui, X. Y., Bobruk, E. V., Murashkin, M., Enikeev, N. A., Valiev, R. Z., Ringer, S. P. & Liao, X. Z., 15 Mar 2022, In: Scripta Materialia. 210, 5 p., 114423.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances

    Edalati, K., Bachmaier, A., Beloshenko, V. A., Beygelzimer, Y., Blank, V. D., Botta, W. J., Bryła, K., Čížek, J., Divinski, S., Enikeev, N. A., Estrin, Y., Faraji, G., Figueiredo, R. B., Fuji, M., Furuta, T., Grosdidier, T., Gubicza, J., Hohenwarter, A., Horita, Z., Huot, J. & 29 others, Ikoma, Y., Janeček, M., Kawasaki, M., Král, P., Kuramoto, S., Langdon, T. G., Leiva, D. R., Levitas, V. I., Mazilkin, A., Mito, M., Miyamoto, H., Nishizaki, T., Pippan, R., Popov, V. V., Popova, E. N., Purcek, G., Renk, O., Révész, Á., Sauvage, X., Sklenicka, V., Skrotzki, W., Straumal, B. B., Suwas, S., Toth, L. S., Tsuji, N., Valiev, R. Z., Wilde, G., Zehetbauer, M. J. & Zhu, X., 17 Feb 2022, In: Materials Research Letters. 10, 4, p. 163-256 94 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  4. 2021
  5. Influence of Deformation Temperature on the Effect of High Plasticity Implementation in Ultrafine-Grained Al–1.5Cu Alloy

    Мавлютов, А. М., Орлова, Т. С., Яппарова, Э. Х., Еникеев, Н. А. & Мурашкин, М. Ю., 22 Dec 2021, In: Physics of the Solid State. 63, 10, p. 1792-1800

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Peculiarities of Strengthening of Al–Cu–Zr Alloy Structured by Severe Plastic Deformation

    Orlova, T. S., Sadykov, D. I., Murashkin, M. Y., Kazykhanov, V. U. & Enikeev, N. A., Dec 2021, In: Physics of the Solid State. 63, 12, p. 1744-1756 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Examination of inverse Hall-Petch relation in nanostructured aluminum alloys by ultra-severe plastic deformation

    Mohammadi, A., Enikeev, N. A., Murashkin, M. Y., Arita, M. & Edalati, K., 20 Nov 2021, In: Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 91, p. 78-89 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Ultrafine-grained Al-Cu-Zr alloy with high-strength and enhanced plasticity

    Orlova, T. S., Sadykov, D. I., Danilov, D. V., Enikeev, N. A. & Murashkin, M. Y., 15 Nov 2021, In: Materials Letters. 303, 4 p., 130490.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Fe–Mn–Al–C steel processed by high-pressure torsion

    Jang, G., Kim, J. N., Lee, H., Lee, T., Enikeev, N., Abramova, M., Valiev, R. Z., Kim, H. S. & Lee, C. S., 19 Oct 2021, In: Materials Science and Engineering A. 827, 142073.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the “dislocation-segregation” interaction

    Enikeev, N. A., Lomakin, I. V., Abramova, M. M., Mavlyutov, A. M., Lukyanchuk, A. A., Shutov, A. S. & Sauvage, X., 15 Oct 2021, In: Materials Letters. 301, 4 p., 130235.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Stability of the Ultrafine-Grained Structure of Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steels during Annealing

    Odnobokova, M. V., Belyakov, A. N., Enikeev, N. A. & Kaibyshev, P. O., Aug 2021, In: Physics of Metals and Metallography. 122, 8, p. 775-781 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Influence of morphology of intermetallic particles on the microstructure and properties evolution in severely deformed al-fe alloys

    Medvedev, A., Murashkin, M., Enikeev, N., Medvedev, E. & Sauvage, X., 17 May 2021, In: Metals. 11, 5, 14 p., 815.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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