1. 2011
  2. First Information about the Geology of Central Antarctica Based on Study of Mineral Inclusions in Ice Cores of the Vostok Station Borehole.

    Leichenkov, G. L., Belyatsky, B. V., Antonov, A. V., Rodionov, N. V. & Sergeev, S. A., 2011, In: Doklady Earth Sciences. 440, 1, p. 1207-1211

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  3. Итоги исследования подледникового озера Восток в период МПГ

    Липенков, В. Я., Лукин, В. В., Булат, С. А., Васильев, Н. И., Екайкин, А. А., Лейченков, Г. Л., Масолов, В. Н., Попов, С. В., Саватюгин, Л. М., Саламатин, А. Н. & Шибаев, Ю. А., 2011, Полярная криосфера и воды суши. Котляков, В. М. (ed.). Москва-Санкт-Петербург: Паулсен, p. 17-47 31 p. (Вклад России в Международный полярный год 2007/08).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthologyResearchpeer-review

  4. 2010
  5. Мощность ледникового покрова и подлёдный рельеф Восточной Антарктиды (результаты исследований по проекту МПГ)

    Попов, С. В., Лейченков, Г. Л., Масолов, В. Н., Котляков, В. М. & Москалевский, М. Ю., 2010, Вклад России в МПГ: Строение и история развития литосферы. Паулсен, p. 39-48

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthologyResearch

  6. 2009
  7. Evolution of the Karoo-Maud mantle plume in Antarctica and its influence on the magmatism of the early stages of Indian ocean opening

    Sushchevskaya, N. M., Belyatsky, B. V., Leichenkov, G. L. & Laiba, A. A., 12 Feb 2009, In: Geochemistry International. 47, 1, p. 1-17 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. 2008
  9. Crustal structure and tectonic provinces of the Riiser-Larsen Sea area (East Antarctica): Results of geophysical studies

    Leitchenkov, G., Guseva, J., Gandyukhin, V., Grikurov, G., Kristoffersen, Y., Sand, M., Golynsky, A. & Aleshkova, N., 31 Jul 2008, In: Marine Geophysical Researches. 29, 2, p. 135-158 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Response to comment on "Major Australian-antarctic plate reorganization at Hawaiian-emperor bend time"

    Whittaker, J. M., Müller, R. D., Leitchenkov, G., Stagg, H., Sdrolias, M., Gaina, C. & Goncharov, A., 25 Jul 2008, In: Science. 321, 5888

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  11. The Cosmonaut Sea Wedge

    Solli, K., Kuvaas, B., Kristoffersen, Y., Leitchenkov, G., Guseva, J. & Gandjukhin, V., 1 Jan 2008, In: Marine Geophysical Researches. 29, 1, p. 51-69 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Chapter 5 Cenozoic Climate History from Seismic Reflection and Drilling Studies on the Antarctic Continental Margin

    Cooper, A. K., Brancolini, G., Escutia, C., Kristoffersen, Y., Larter, R., Leitchenkov, G., O'Brien, P. & Jokat, W., 2008, Antarctic Climate Evolution. Florindo, F. & Siegert, M. (eds.). Elsevier, p. 115-234 (Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences; vol. 8).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

  13. 2007
  14. Major Australian-Antarctic plate reorganization at Hawaiian-Emperor bend time

    Whittaker, J. M., Müller, R. D., Leitchenkov, G., Stagg, H., Sdrolias, M., Gaina, C. & Goncharov, A., 5 Oct 2007, In: Science. 318, 5847, p. 83-86 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Seismic morphology and distribution of inferred glaciomarine deposits along the East Antarctic continental margin, 20°E-60°E

    Solli, K., Kuvaas, B., Kristoffersen, Y., Leitchenkov, G., Guseva, J. & Gandjukhin, V., 13 Mar 2007, In: Marine Geology. 237, 3-4, p. 207-223 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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