1. 2014
  2. Vulnerability of polar lakes according to in-vestigation of Yamal peninsula, the Lena River delta, and East Antarctica oases water objects

    Fedorova, I., Skorospekhova, T., Chetverova, A., Boike, J., Morgenstern, A., Heim, B., Bobrova, O. & Dmitriev, V., 2014. 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  3. Геоинформационное сопровождение зонирования систем прибрежных районов российской Арктики по степени уязвимости

    Федорова, И. В., Сидорина, И. Е., Родиченко, М. А., Скороспехова, Т. В., Четверова, А. А., Дмитриев, В. В., Шеповальников, В. Н., Шумская, Н. К., Боброва, О. Н., Паршина, Т. В. & Власенков, Р. Е., 2014, In: ПРОБЛЕМЫ АРКТИКИ И АНТАРКТИКИ. 4 (102), p. 50-60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Термический режим озер Арткики

    Шадрина, А. А., Федорова, И. В., Голосов, С. Д., Евдокимов, А. А. & Boike, J., 2014, «Туды VIII Международной конференции «Динамика и термика рек, водохранилищ и прибрежной зоны морей» Том I », Москва, РУДН. p. 581-589

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  5. 2013
  6. Lena Delta hydrology and geochemistry

    Fedorova, I., Chetverova, A., Bolshiyanov, D., Makarov, A., Boike, J., Heim, B., Morgenstern, A., Overduin, P., Wegner, C., Kashina, V., Eulenburg, A., Dobrotina, E. & Sidorina, I., 23 Dec 2013, In: Biogeosciences Discussions. 10, p. 20179-20237 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Arctic climate as a factor of ecological risk.

    Dmitriev, V. & Fedorova, I., 2013, Conference proceeding of the 13th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2013 “Ecology, economics, education and legislation”, vol.1, 16-22 June 2013, Albena, Bulgaria, p.95-100.. p. 95-100

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  8. Current state and vulnerability of Yamal hydroecological systems (West Siberia, Russia)

    Fedorova, I., Skorospekhova, T., Shumskaya, N., Onoshko, V., Heim, B., Roessler, S., Chetverova, A., Eulenburg, A. & Dvornikov, Y., 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  9. Estimation of current state and stability of polar lakes from a position of ecological risk

    Fedorova, I., Chetverova, A., Skorospekhova, T. & Shumskaya, N., 2013, «Estimation of current state and stability of polar lakes from a position of ecological risk».

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  10. Evolution of thermokarst in East Siberian ice-rich permafrost: A case study

    Morgenstern, A., Ulrich, M., Günther, F., Roessler, S., Fedorova, I. V., Rudaya, N. A., Wetterich, S., Boike, J. & Schirrmeister, L., 2013, In: Geomorphology. 201, 1 November 2013, p. 363-379

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  11. Income of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) for typical lakes in tundra based on field data of the expedition Lena-2012

    Bobrova, O., Fedorova, I., Chetverova, A., Runkle, B. & Potapova, T., 2013, Proceedings. 19th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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