1. 2020
  2. Perceptual Features of Speech in Children with Atypical Development

    Frolova, O. V., Grechanyi, S. V., Kaliev, A., Grigorev, A. S., Gorodnyi, V. A., Nikolaev, A. S. & Lyakso, E. E., 2020, In: ЖУРНАЛ ЭВОЛЮЦИОННОЙ БИОХИМИИ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ. 56, 7, p. 753

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

  3. Validation of a filter aided sample preparation (FASP)-based label-free quantification approach for proteomics analysis of plant tissues

    Leonova, T., Ihling, C., Hoehenwarter, W. & Frolov, A., 2020, 53rd annual Conference of the DGMS including 27th ICP-MS User Meeting : book of abstracts. p. 162 PRA-31

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstracts

  4. 2019
  5. Strategies of speech interaction between adults and preschool children with typical and atypical development

    Lyakso, E., Frolova, O., Grigorev, A., Gorodnyi, V. & Nikolaev, A., 16 Dec 2019, In: Behavioral Sciences. 9, 12, 9 p., 159.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Влияние кратковременной засухи на метаболизм и пищевые свойства семян гороха

    Леонова, Т. С., Чанцева, В. В., Гломб, М., Широглазова, О. В., Хеннинг, К., Династия, Е. М., Антонова, К. А., Шумилина, Ю. С., Царев, А., Соболева, А. В., Смоликова, Г. Н., Бальденшпергер, Т., Дорн, М., Медведев, С. С., Билова, Т. Е., Вессйоханн, Л. & Фролов, А. А., Sep 2019, IX Съезд общества физиологов растений России "Физиология растений - основа создания растений будущего": Сборник тезисов . Казань, p. 262

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  7. AD-Child.Ru: Speech corpus for russian children with atypical development

    Lyakso, E., Frolova, O., Kaliev, A., Gorodnyi, V., Grigorev, A. & Matveev, Y., 15 Aug 2019, Speech and Computer - 21st International Conference, SPECOM 2019, Proceedings: Proceedings. Salah, A. A., Salah, A. A., Karpov, A. & Potapova, R. (eds.). Springer Nature, p. 299-308 10 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 11658 LNAI).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  8. Developmental Disorders Manifestation in the Characteristics of the Child’s Voice and Speech: Perceptual and Acoustic Study

    Frolova, O., Gorodnyi, V., Nikolaev, A., Grigorev, A., Grechanyi, S. & Lyakso, E., 15 Aug 2019, Speech and Computer - 21st International Conference, SPECOM 2019, Proceedings: Proceedings. Salah, A. A., Salah, A. A., Karpov, A. & Potapova, R. (eds.). Springer Nature, p. 103-112 10 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 11658 LNAI).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  9. Speech features of children with atypical development: autism spectrum disorders and Down syndrome

    Gorodnyi, V. & Lyakso, E., 15 Aug 2019, Abstract book. 19th European conference on Developmental Psychology. ECDP -2019.. Athens, p. 130

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  10. Analysis of Chemically Labile Glycation Adducts in Seed Proteins: Case Study of Methylglyoxal-Derived Hydroimidazolone 1 (MG-H1)

    Antonova, K., Vikhnina, M., Soboleva, A., Mehmood, T., Heymich, M-L., Leonova, T., Bankin, M., Lukasheva, E., Gensberger-Reigl, S., Medvedev, S., Smolikova, G., Pischetsrieder, M. & Frolov, A., 1 Aug 2019, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, 15, p. 1-19 19 p., 3659.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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