1. 2020
  2. Proteomic similarity of the Littorinid snails in the evolutionary context

    Maltseva, A. L., Varfolomeeva, M. A., Lobov, A. A., Tikanova, P., Panova, M., Mikhailova, N. A. & Granovitch, A. I., 13 Feb 2020, In: PeerJ. 8, 2, 28 p., e8546.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Systematic dissection of biases in whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing reveals major determinants of coding sequence coverage

    Barbitoff, Y. A., Polev, D. E., Glotov, A. S., Serebryakova, E. A., Shcherbakova, I. V., Kiselev, A. M., Kostareva, A. A., Glotov, O. S. & Predeus, A. V., 6 Feb 2020, In: Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 13 p., 2057.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Estimation of amyloid aggregate sizes with semi-denaturing detergent agarose gel electrophoresis and its limitations

    Дроздова, П., Барбитов, Ю. А., Белоусов, М. В., Скитченко, Р., Рогоза, Т. М., Leclercq, J., Каява, А. В., Матвеенко, А. Г., Журавлева, Г. А. & Бондарев, С. А., 1 Jan 2020, In: Prion. 14, 1, p. 118-128 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. MLPA-анализ гена TP53 у больных мелкоклеточным раком легкого

    Гималова, Г. Ф., Абдуллин, З. С. & Хуснутдинова, Э. К., 2020, In: МЕДИЦИНСКАЯ ГЕНЕТИКА. 19, 6, p. 83-85 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Perceptual Features of Speech in Children with Atypical Development

    Frolova, O. V., Grechanyi, S. V., Kaliev, A., Grigorev, A. S., Gorodnyi, V. A., Nikolaev, A. S. & Lyakso, E. E., 2020, In: ЖУРНАЛ ЭВОЛЮЦИОННОЙ БИОХИМИИ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ. 56, 7, p. 753

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

  7. Polygenic Risk Modelling for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk Prediction

    Бермишева, М. А. & Хуснутдинова, Э. К., 2020, (Submitted) In: European Journal of Human Genetics.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  8. Selective system based on fragments of the M1 virus for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformation

    Muzaev, D. M., Rumyantsev, A. M., Al Shanaa, O. R. & Sambuk, E. V., 2020, In: Ecological Genetics. 18, 2, p. 251-263 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Simulation model of the migratory flow of the Song Thrush in Europe

    Синельщикова, А. Ю. & Vorotkov, M., 2020, (In preparation) In: Ecological Modelling. 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Species dialectics: From initial uniformity, through the greatest possible diversity to ultimate uniformity

    Rodionov, A. V., Shneyer, V. S., Gnutikov, A. A., Nosov, N. N., Punina, E. O., Zhurbenko, P. M., Loskutov, I. G. & Muravenko, O. V., 2020, In: Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 105, 9, p. 835-853 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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