1. 1992
  2. 10th Symposium on Computational Statistics

    Николай Кимович Кривулин (Participant)

    24 Aug 199228 Aug 1992

    Activity: Attendance typesParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...

  3. An analysis of the least median of squares regression problem

    Николай Кимович Кривулин (Speaker)

    24 Aug 199228 Aug 1992

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

  4. 3rd International Workshop “Model-Oriented Data Analysis”

    Николай Кимович Кривулин (Participant)

    25 May 199230 May 1992

    Activity: Attendance typesParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...

  5. An analysis of stochastic project scheduling problems

    Николай Кимович Кривулин (Speaker)

    25 May 199230 May 1992

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

  6. An integrated simulation and sensitivity estimation program for queueing networks analysis

    М.М. Баранов (Speaker) & Николай Кимович Кривулин (Speaker)

    25 May 199230 May 1992

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

  7. 1990
  8. 1989
  9. О параллельных алгоритмах глобального случайного поиска

    Анатолий Александрович Жиглявский (Speaker) & Николай Кимович Кривулин (Speaker)

    22 Oct 198930 Oct 1989

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

  10. Школа-семинар "Актуальные проблемы статистического моделирования и его приложения"

    Анатолий Александрович Жиглявский (Participant) & Николай Кимович Кривулин (Participant)

    22 Oct 198930 Oct 1989

    Activity: Attendance typesParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...

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