1. 2017
  2. Monoblepharidomycetes diversity includes new parasitic and saprotrophic species with highly intronized rDNA

    Karpov, S. A., Mamanazarova, K. S., Popova, O. V., Aleoshin, V. V., James, T. Y., Mamkaeva, M. A., Tcvetkova, V. S., Vishnyakov, A. E. & Longcore, J. E., Aug 2017, In: Fungal Biology. 121, 8, p. 729-741 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. The nervous system in Orthonectida

    Slyusarev, G. & Starunov, V., Aug 2017, p. 101. 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  4. Малый практикум по зоологии беспозвоночных. Часть 2.

    Добровольский, А. А., Гришанков, А. В. & Гранович, А. И., Aug 2017, Москва - Санкт-Петербург: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 545 p.

    Research output: Book/Report/AnthologyBookEducationpeer-review

  5. How the position of mussels at the intertidal lagoon affects their infection with the larvae of parasitic flatworms (Trematoda: Digenea): A combined laboratory and field experimental study

    Nikolaev, K. E., Prokofiev, V. V., Levakin, I. A. & Galaktionov, K. V., 29 Jul 2017, In: Journal of Sea Research. 128, p. 32-40

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Comparative analysis of the nervous system structure of polymorphic zooids in marine bryozoans

    Serova, K. M., Vishnyakov, A. E., Zaitseva, O. V., Kotenko, O. N. & Ostrovsky, A. N., 1 Jul 2017, In: Doklady Biological Sciences. 475, 1, p. 144-147 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Nervous system and musculature of the parasitic turbellarian Notentera ivanovi (Plathelminthes, Fecampiida)

    Raikova, O. I., Kotikova, E. A. & Frolova, T. A., 1 Jul 2017, In: Doklady Biological Sciences. 475, 1, p. 169-171 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Motility in blastogregarines (Apicomplexa): Native and drug-induced organisation of Siedleckia nematoides cytoskeletal elements

    Valigurová, A., Vaškovicová, N., Diakin, A., Paskerova, G. G., Simdyanov, T. G. & Kováčiková, M., Jun 2017, In: PLoS ONE. 12, 6, e0179709.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Development of the nervous system in Platynereis dumerilii (Nereididae, Annelida)

    Starunov, V. V., Voronezhskaya, E. E. & Nezlin, L. P., 25 May 2017, In: Frontiers in Zoology. 14, 1, 27.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Does the membrane pacemaker theory of metabolism explain the size dependence of metabolic rate in marine mussels?

    Sukhotin, A., Fokina, N., Ruokolainen, T., Bock, C., Pörtner, H. O. & Lannig, G., 15 Apr 2017, In: Journal of Experimental Biology. 220, 8, p. 1423-1434 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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