1. 2008
  2. Spectroscopic study of the peculiar galaxy UGC 5119

    Merkulova, O. A., Shalyapina, L. V., Yakovleva, V. A. & Karataeva, G. M., 2008, In: Astronomy Letters. 34, 8, p. 542-550

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Spiral galaxies at z~1

    Reshetnikov, V. P., 2008, Problems of Practical Cosmology: Proceedings of the International Conference held at Russian Geographical Society, 23-27 June, 2008 in St. Petersburg. St.-Petersburg, Vol. 1. p. 142-146

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  4. The high activity of 3C 454.3 in autumn 2007. Monitoring by the WEBT during the AGILE detection

    Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Chen, W. P., Hsiao, W-S., Kurtanidze, O. M., Nilsson, K., Larionov, V. M., Gurwell, M. A., Agudo, I., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Angelakis, E., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Böttcher, M., Buemi, C. S., Calcidese, P., Charlot, P., D'ammando, F., Donnarumma, I. & 41 others, Forné, E., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Gómez, J. L., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Jorstad, S. G., Kimeridze, G. N., Krichbaum, T. P., Lähteenmäki, A., Lanteri, L., Latev, G., Le Campion, J-F., Lee, C-U., Leto, P., Lin, H-C., Marchili, N., Marilli, E., Marscher, A. P., Nesci, R., Nieppola, E., Nikolashvili, M. G., Ohlert, J., Ovcharov, E., Principe, D., Pursimo, T., Ragozzine, B., Sadun, A. C., Sigua, L. A., Smart, R. L., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L. O., Tavani, M., Thum, C., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Uckert, K., Umana, G., Valcheva, A., Vercellone, S., Volvach, A. & Wiesemeyer, H., 2008, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 485, 2, p. L17-L20

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  5. The multiformity of the galaxies interaction evidence

    Merkulova, O. & Shalyapina, L., 2008, Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks ASP Conference Series. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 281-282

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthology

  6. Unified approach to the methods using single field expansions

    Farafonov, V. G., Farafonov, E. G., Il’in, V. B. & Vinokurov, A. A., 2008, Proc. Intern. Conf. ELS XI. University of Hertfordshire, p. 13-16

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthology

  7. UV lines in spectra of planetary nebulae

    Milanova, Y. & Kholtygin, A., 2008, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "UV Universe-2008" May 19-20, 2008, Moscow, Russia. Янус-К, p. 208-212

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in an anthology

  8. Вселенная в числах и фактах

    Иванов, В. В., Решетников, В. П. & Холшевников, К. В., 2008, Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета.

    Research output: Book/Report/AnthologyTeaching materials

  9. Классические космологические тесты для галактик сверхглубокого хаббловского поля

    Набоков, Н. В. & Барышев, Ю. В., 2008, In: АСТРОФИЗИЧЕСКИЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ. 63, 3, p. 260-275

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Поляризация резонансных линий при фойгтовском коэффициенте поглощения


    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Меркулова, О. А., Шаляпина, Л. В., Яковлева, В. А. & Каратаева, Г. М., 2008, In: ПИСЬМА В АСТРОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ: АСТРОНОМИЯ И КОСМИЧЕСКАЯ АСТРОФИЗИКА. 34, 8, p. 599-608

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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