1. 2007
  2. Microvariability of line profiles in the spectra of OB stars: III. the supergiant ρ LEO

    Kholtygin, A. F., Fabrika, S. N., Burlakova, T. E., Valyavin, G. G., Chuntonov, G. A., Kudryavtsev, D. O., Kang, D., Yushkin, M. V. & Galazutdinov, G. A., Nov 2007, In: Astronomy Reports. 51, 11, p. 920-931 12 p., 1005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Line profile variability of OB stars: Pulsation, rotation, clumps and magnetic fields

    Kholtygin, A. F., Fabrika, S. N., Chountonov, G. A., Burlakova, T. E., Valyavin, G. G. & Kang, D. I., 1 Oct 2007, In: Astronomische Nachrichten. 328, 10, p. 1170-1172 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Angular fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background owing to initial perturbations in the radiation temperature

    Grachev, S. I., Oct 2007, In: Astrophysics. 50, 4, p. 515-524 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Rapid multiwaveband polarization variability in the quasar PKS 0420-014: Optical emission from the compact radio jet

    D'Arcangelo, F. D., Marscher, A. P., Jorstad, S. G., Smith, P. S., Larionov, V. M., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Kopatskaya, E. N., Williams, G. G. & Gear, W. K., 20 Apr 2007, In: Astrophysical Journal. 659, 2 II, p. L107-L110

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Стохастические данные в астрономм. II. Поиск гармонических компонентов времненных рядов с очень большими порпусками

    Kholtygin, A. F., Shneiwais, A. B., Burlakova, T. E. & Milanova, Y. V., Apr 2007, In: Astrophysics. 50, 2, p. 225-238 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Multi-frequency monitoring of γ-ray loud blazars I. Light curves and spectral energy distributions

    Bach, U., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Fuhrmann, L., Buemi, C. S., Larionov, V. M., Leto, P., Arkharov, G. A. A., Coloma, J. M., Di Paola, A., Dolci, M., Efimova, N., Forné, E., Ibrahimov, M. A., Hagen-Thorn, V., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Lanteri, L., Kurtanidze, O. M., Maccaferri, G. & 6 others, Nikolashvili, M. G., Orlati, A., Ros, J. A., Tosti, G., Trigilio, C. & Umana, G., Mar 2007, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 464, 1, p. 175-186 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. AGB stars: testing carbon loss via the ultraviolet lines

    Kholtygin, A. & Milanova, Y., 2007, UV Astronomy: Stars from Birth to Death. de Castro, A. I. G. & Barstow, M. A. (eds.). Madrid:Editorial complutense, p. 199

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

  9. Planetary nebulae: A probe of the galaxies evolution up to the hubble time

    Kholtygin, A. F. & Milanova, Y. V., 2007, Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, IAU Symposium #235, held 14-17 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. Combes, F. & Palous, J. (eds.). S235 ed. Cambridge University Press, Vol. 2. p. 324-324 1 p. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; vol. 2, no. S235).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review


    Baluev, R. V., 2007, In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 3, T26B, p. 101-106

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  11. Астрономия: традиции, настоящее, будущее

    Иванов, В. В., Чернин, А. Д., Сильченко, О. К., Решетников, В. П., Маршер, А. П., Эрштадт, С. Г., Расторгуев, А. С., Заболотских, М. В., Орлов, В. В., Сотникова, Н. Я., Черепащук, А. М., Холшевников, К. В., Шевченко, И. И., Витязев, В. В., Клионер, С. А., Теребиж, В. Ю. & Парийский, Ю. Н., 2007, Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета.

    Research output: Book/Report/AnthologyTeaching materialspeer-review

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