1. 2020
  2. Novel view at hybrid membranes containing star macromolecules using neutron scattering and pervaporation dehydration of acetic acid

    Polotskaya, G., Pulyalina, A., Lebedev, V., Torok, G., Rudakova, D. & Vinogradova, L., 15 Jan 2020, In: Materials and Design. 186, 108352.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Polythermal density and viscosity, nanoparticle size distribution, binding with human serum albumin and radical scavenging activity of the C60-L-arginine (C60(C6H13N4O2)8H8) aqueous solutions

    Pochkaeva, E. I., Meshcheriakov, A. A., Ageev, S. V., Podolsky, N. E., Petrov, A. V., Charykov, N. A., Vasina, L. V., Nikolaeva, O. Y., Gaponenko, I. N., Sharoyko, V. V., Murin, I. V. & Semenov, K. N., 1 Jan 2020, In: Journal of Molecular Liquids. 297, 14 p., 111915.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Thermodynamic and quantum chemical investigation of the monocarboxylated fullerene C60CHCOOH

    Nikolaev, D. N., Podolsky, N. E., Lelet, M. I., Iamalova, N. R., Shemchuk, O. S., Ageev, S. V., Petrov, A. V., Semenov, K. N., Charykov, N. A., Piotrovskiy, L. B. & Murin, I. V., Jan 2020, In: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 140, 8 p., 105898.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Синтез Ag2Se и управление его фазовым составом

    Тверьянович, Ю. С., Фазлетдинов, Т. Р., Тверьянович, А. С., Борисов, Е. Н. & Томаев, В. В., 2020, Фундаментальные проблемы ионики твердого тела: 15-е Международное совещание. М.: Граница, p. 174

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractsResearch

  6. 2019
  7. The Formation of Broadband Color Centers in PMMA by Femtosecond Laser Radiation

    Kalinichev, A. A., Smirnova, O. S. & Povolotskiy, A. V., 16 Dec 2019, In: Technical Physics Letters. 45, 11, p. 1089-1091 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. MWCNT in PEG-400 nanofluids for thermal applications: A chemical, physical and thermal approach

    Marcos, M. A., Podolsky, N. E., Cabaleiro, D., Lugo, L., Zakharov, A. O., Postnov, V. N., Charykov, N. A., Ageev, S. V. & Semenov, K. N., 15 Nov 2019, In: Journal of Molecular Liquids. 294, 111616.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Molecular mechanisms of adaptation to the habitat depth in visual pigments of A. subulata and L. forbesi squids: On the role of the S270F substitution

    Nikolaev, D. M., Osipov, D. E., Strashkov, D. M., Vyazmin, S. Y., Akulov, V. E., Kravtcov, D. V., Chakchir, O. B., Panov, M. S. & Ryazantsev, M. N., 1 Jun 2019, In: Journal of Integrated OMICS. 9, 1, p. 44-50 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  10. Novel hybrid pervaporation membranes for high-efficient separation of ethylene glycol-water mixture

    Rostovtseva, V. A., Pulyalina, A. Y., Rudakova, D. A. & Polotskaya, G. A., 2019, Modern problems of polymer science: Program and Abstract Book of 15th International Saint Petersburg Conference of Young Scientists. SPb., p. 299 6-P-13

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review

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