
The presented data reflect new challenges in the field of sustainable development of financial markets. This issue is of great importance for the common financial market of the EAEU. Thus, the content and structure of the data correspond to possible information requirements in this area, including data on responsible investments and other segments of the sustainable financial services market. The presented data relate to: a) the ESG debt market in the EAEU and other countries for 2013-2020 (2021); b) stock indices of the EAEU countries and global stock indices, including ESG indices for 2012-2021; c) dissemination of ESG reporting in the EAEU and other countries (in 2021); d) empirical data for building econometric models that take into account energy, macroeconomic and climate factors; e) asset growth dynamics of investment funds with ESG mandates and distribution of financial assets of responsible investments in ESG funds; f) comparative assessment of green and traditional investments for 2020, supplemented by characteristics of a sustainable equity market since 2003; g) data on the UN PRI signatures growth with additional dynamic indicators.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-010-00526.
Date made available18 Oct 2021
Temporal coverage2013 - 2021
Date of data production2013 - 2021

ID: 87323146