Галина Евгеньевна Ренжина - Speaker

Concept TECHNOLOGY is an important element of the conceptual sphere
of the English language, which is linked to three cognitive domains – KNOWLEDGE,
HUMAN ACTIVITY and PRODUCT. The structure of the concept was explored
through dictionary analysis using monolingual dictionaries of the English language
and thesauruses, and through contextual analysis using English language corpus
database. The concept has a complex structure, which includes a number of primary,
as well as secondary, subconcepts; and, when the word representing the concept is
used in context, only one of the subconcepts is expressed as a rule, occasionally more
than one. The study has identified such subconcepts as APPLIED SCIENCE,
METHOD, EQUIPMENT, SOPHISTICATION. The concept is mainly represented by
the word technology, although sometimes by other words as well, such as technique,
machinery, equipment. The study of the corpus database has also identified the
relative frequency with which the subconcepts constituting TECHNOLOGY are
expressed in context and revealed some new subconcepts that are evoked only in
30 May 2019

Event (Conference)

TitleМеждународная конференция "Синергия языков и культур: междисциплинарные исследования"
Abbrev. TitleСинергия языков и культур
Web address (URL)
LocationСанкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Degree of recognitionInternational event

ID: 50801363