Владимир Михайлович Микушев - Keynote speaker

Андрей Михайлович Рочев - Speaker

Денис Юрьевич Нефедов - Speaker

Аллишер Аллиерович Васильев - Speaker

Елена Владимировна Чарная - Speaker

Алексей Леонидович Пирозерский - Speaker

Андрей Владимирович Усков - Speaker

Анастасия Олеговна Антоненко - Speaker

The effectiveness of the impurity mechanism of nuclear SLR is due to the strong coupling of paramagnetic centers with lattice vibrations and with nearby nuclear spins, as well as spin diffusion, which equalizes the nuclear magnetization in the sample volume. This paper demonstrates the possibility of separating lattice and impurity contributions to relaxation under conditions of magnetic saturation of the NMR line for sodium quadrupole nuclei in a NaF single crystal. The results obtained are compared with the data for dipole fluorine nuclei.
21 Nov 2023

Event (Conference)

TitleВсероссийская конференция по естественным и гуманитарным наукам с международным участием «Наука СПбГУ – 2023»
Abbrev. TitleНаука СПбГУ – 2023
Web address (URL)
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Degree of recognitionNational event without international participants

ID: 114842722